Magyar Posta aims to become a business-oriented, efficient, performance-driven, and productive service provider with well-prepared and motivated employees. To this end, Magyar Posta has launched a modernization program.
It has created the Integrated Postal Network, the new IT and technology base system of Magyar Posta Zrt. It is a computer support for postal workplaces that provides simple, flexible, fast and transparent technological processes for employees and customers. One of the most important tools of the modernization of Magyar Posta Zrt. is the improvement of the efficiency and soundness of management work and decisions, as well as the more efficient preparation of individual decisions.
Two of the most important pillars are: the structure of the Posta Technology Data Warehouse (hereinafter PTDW) and the analysis and reporting front-end application based on the data warehouse. At the end of 2005, after an extensive internal needs assessment and market research, Magyar Posta Zrt. selected MicroStrategy’s solution that met all the requirements and could meet its analysis and reporting needs in the long term. Magyar Posta entrusted the consultants of Bixpert with the front-end tasks of the development of the data warehouse based PTDW system.
The long-term goal of the development of the PTDW system is to support the expansion and improvement of the quality of services while increasing operational efficiency, and at the same time to prepare Magyar Posta for the competition resulting from the liberalization of postal services in the European Union and in Hungary.
In the first phase of development, the goal was to meet Magyar Posta’s information needs related to mail collection, and in the second phase, delivery data was added. The development work to date has also resulted in the creation of the Magyar Posta PTDW User Portal, through which hundreds of postal employees and users throughout Hungary can access the information they need on a daily and weekly basis. The user portal, which is the backbone of the application, automatically makes reports generated and published by MicroStrategy’s Narrowcast Server module available in the appropriate document repository. In addition, more than 100 users (postal analysts/business analysts/postal employees) have access to reports generated by MicroStrategy through one of the MicroStrategy Web interfaces.
Developments were also made for Magyar Posta’s DMC (Direkt Marketing Centrum, which has been operating under the Posta Direkt brand since 2006). In 2008, Magyar Posta entered the market with a lifestyle database and a well-segmented company database to improve the rate of direct mailings. The most segmental database in Hungary contains information on more than 400,000 (contributing) individuals, including their interests and shopping habits. To collect this data, Magyar Posta sent out a questionnaire to consumers, which was then processed, and the data entered the lifestyle database was analyzed using the MicroStrategy query interface based on several filtering parameters. The lifestyle database contains more than 1500 filter criteria.
In accordance with Magyar Posta’s requirements, Bixpert applied a knowledge transfer-oriented methodology to the development of reports and internal training, so that Magyar Posta will be able to perform the tasks in these areas primarily with internal resources in the future. This will allow us to focus the expertise of our consultants on the development of further implementation phases of the PTDW system and other related projects.
Magyar Posta’s Delivery Dashboard application won an award at the 2010 MicroStrategy World conference in Cannes.